Affirmations are statements that you use intentionally to instill a sense of positivity and purpose in your mind. During pregnancy (or anytime), you can use these short phrases and sentences to help yourself focus on and accept a positive message that you wish to remember.

Affirmations are an example of using positive thinking to set an intention and increase the likelihood of positive results. Even better, they are simple to do, free, and accessible to all.

Why Affirmations Work

While there is no guarantee that affirmations will actually change the outcome of your pregnancy, some studies suggest that affirmations can reduce stress and anxiety—which can make it easier to rest, eat, and avoid issues such as headaches and fatigue. Plus, positive thoughts tend to cultivate positive feelings, which may help to make your pregnancy experience more enjoyable and relaxed.

Studies show that using positive affirmations impacts brain pathways, increasing activity in the areas of the mind responsible for self-worth, self-regulation, and core values. Researchers believe that making a regular practice of saying affirming statements can effectively shift your focus from negative emotions or stressors to your own expansive capacity to cope, bolstering your confidence and bringing you new ideas, strategies, energy, and hope for the future.

Write Your Own Affirmations

The beauty of positive affirmations is that you can write your own to use whenever you like. They can be said out loud or silently in your head, quietly whispered to yourself, or written down. In lieu of writing your own, you can also use one you have read or heard elsewhere. If it makes you feel strong, positive, and hopeful, then you’re on the right track.

Your affirmation should be in the present tense, as if what you wish to happen is already occurring. For example, someone who is worried about coping with childbirth might say, “I am strong.” A person who is trying to get pregnant and having difficulty might say, “I am a good parent to my child.”

This person might decide to repeat the affirmation every morning as a reminder of their goal and to foster their hope for this desired outcome. During infertility treatments, they might visualize this affirmation while undergoing procedures and tests, as well. During pregnancy, daily pregnancy affirmations may serve to enhance the bond with their growing baby while also alleviating the worry that something might go wrong.

How to Do It

Anything that speaks to you can work as an affirmation. If you’re unsure, brainstorm statements that connect to the feelings, values, and intentions you want to affirm. If you have a specific worry or negative thought that keeps coming to mind, try flipping it around to a positive one.

If you catch yourself thinking, “I can’t do this,” counter that with, “I can do this.” “Childbirth is scary” becomes “childbirth is beautiful.” Simple is good. Setting your positive intention can literally change your mind.

To help you get started writing your own affirmations, consider beginning with phrases like the following:

Finding Your Positive Intention

Think about what feels right and necessary for you. Imagine you are your own cheerleader or strongest advocate. What would you tell yourself to say and believe? That is your positive affirmation.

  • I amI believeI feelI knowMy baby isMy body is open toMy body knowsMy heart isMy labor isMy mind is open to

Examples of Pregnancy Affirmations

Some people use positive affirmations to help them overcome fear, get pregnant, or simply to remind themselves that pregnancy is not an illness. While affirmations are simple and easy, they are also effective for many. You might try:

  • Birth is safe for my baby and me.Contractions help to bring my baby to me.I accept the help of others.I am a good parent.I am a strong person.I know how to take care of myself in pregnancy.I love my baby.I will make the right decisions for my baby.My baby feels my love.My baby knows their true birthday.My baby loves me.My baby senses the peace and safety I feel.My baby will be born at the perfect time.My baby will find the perfect position for birth.My baby’s head fits snugly into my pelvis.My body knows how to give birth.My body knows when to give birth.My pregnant body is beautiful.​I accept my labor and birth.I am surrounded by those who love, support, and respect me.I know how to take care of my baby.I trust my body.I will make plenty of breast milk for my baby.

Feel free to borrow one of the above self-messages—or create your own. It can be helpful to write your affirmations on index cards to have them on hand for easy reference. You can also place them in specific locations to remind you to say them.

Establish set times to say them, such as right when you wake up, at mealtimes, and/or before bed. Consider using your affirmations as a part of your relaxation routine, as well. They also make really nice mantras for labor and parenthood.

A Word From Verywell

Trying to get pregnant and the experience of pregnancy can be joyous times of life. They can also be stressful, overwhelming, and/or difficult periods, both physically and emotionally. Personal affirmations are a wonderful tool that can help you cope, providing relaxation, positivity, strength, and hope, Plus, in times of uncertainty, affirmations give you a practical framework for setting positive intentions in your life, helping you to feel agency in making your dreams a reality.