Negative automatic thoughts are the conscious or subconscious thoughts that occur in response to everyday events. These thoughts are irrational, self-defeating, and may fuel social anxiety disorder (SAD).
Role of Negative Thoughts
Social anxiety has been shown to be related to increased negative thinking. Within cognitive behavioral therapy, it is believed that what you think can influence what you feel and do.
For instance, if you experience negative automatic thoughts like “I’m stupid” or “They’ll make fun of me” when about to give a presentation, anxiety, and fear occurs. The negative thoughts can be overwhelming and dominate how you think and act.
In our day to day routine, the most deeply held beliefs are not spoken. Your opinions of yourself as a person or as a friend aren’t always expressed.
Identifying Negative Thoughts
When undergoing therapy for social anxiety, your therapist may suggest focusing on overcoming negative automatic thoughts. To identify them, one recommended process is to write down some thoughts you have about yourself on a piece of paper.
If you have social anxiety, you may have incredibly strong negative feelings about yourself. In order to make a change, you need to recognize these intrinsic beliefs and understand that they are holding you back.
You may be surprised about some of the negative thoughts that come into your mind, but keep writing and take the time to focus on yourself. These are the beliefs that guide how you think and act.
It is essential to write down these thoughts as they occur.
This is the first step in overcoming negative automatic thoughts. Your therapist will work with you to review these beliefs and how to replace them. You may be guided through disputation, a process where you question your deeply held beliefs and thoughts.
For example, let’s say one of the things you wrote down about yourself is, “I am unloved.” This thought impacts all you do, worsening your anxiety and filling you with loneliness. Your therapist will walk you through the process of challenging these irrational beliefs.
You would be asked about your loved ones, your parents or family, your significant other, and your friends. Their feelings for you may directly contradict what you have identified as a belief about yourself. This discordance shows that you are actually loved and valued and that your inner thoughts are false and irrational.
Eliminating Negative Thoughts
The process of recognizing and disputing negative automatic thoughts is an essential step forward in managing social anxiety. While your therapist will work with you thoroughly to challenge several deeply-held beliefs, this is a learned skill that you can practice on your own in daily life.
As you continue to work on this yourself, you may find yourself growing more confident and less anxious. While you may still be nervous or afraid of certain situations, it may not be as debilitating or overwhelming, allowing you to live a richer life.
With practice, you can recognize the thoughts when they occur, realize that they are irrational, and adjust your thoughts to match reality.
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Managing Negative Thoughts
Self-help strategies for managing negative thinking include:
Get Advice From The Verywell Mind Podcast
Hosted by Editor-in-Chief and therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares an effective way to help you curb negative thinking.
A Word From Verywell
If you are living with severe social anxiety that has not been diagnosed or for which you have not received treatment such as medication or therapy, make an appointment with your doctor or mental health professional. It is important to seek help to overcome the negative automatic thoughts that may be holding you back and continuing to maintain the anxiety that you feel in social situations.