The 11 Best Hiking Hats Of 2023

Hiking hats can keep you comfortable in a range of different conditions—protecting you from the sun, shielding you during downpours, and even keeping pesky bugs at bay. “A hiking hat can greatly improve your overall experience in the great outdoors,” Justin Rimon, outdoor guide and founder of Just Trek, says. “You want to feel as prepared and comfortable as possible on your adventures and not feel miserable from nature’s elements.”...

January 22, 2023 · 18 min · 3737 words · Gary Garfield

The Psychology Of Compliance Definition Examples And Techniques

Have you ever done something you didn’t want to do simply because someone else asked? Buying something after being persuaded by a pushy salesperson or trying a particular brand of soda after seeing a commercial endorsement featuring your favorite celebrity are two examples of what is known as compliance. What influence does it have on our social behavior? What factors affect compliance? To learn the answers to these questions, it is important to start by understanding exactly what compliance is and how it works....

January 22, 2023 · 6 min · 1255 words · Vincent Greenwood

Types Of Psychotherapy For Depression

There are many different types of therapy to treat depression and other mood disorders. Psychotherapy can be an effective form of treatment for depression because it can help you delve into possible underlying reasons for your depressive feelings and learn new skills to cope. Finding out which type of psychotherapy is best for you will depend on a number of factors, including the severity of your symptoms, your own personal preferences, and your therapy goals....

January 22, 2023 · 9 min · 1799 words · Wendy Mcferren

What An Alcohol Use Disorder Diagnosis Means

There really is no official diagnosis of alcoholism. The condition that has long been termed alcoholism is technically called “severe alcohol use disorder,” according to the May 2013 publication of the 5th edition of the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” (DSM–5) by the American Psychiatric Association. With the DSM-5, if a person exhibits two or more symptoms from a list of 11 criteria, they are diagnosed as having an alcohol use disorder, with classifications of mild, moderate, and severe....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 621 words · Elmer Rivera

What Are Moral Principles

Moral principles are guidelines that people live by to make sure they are doing the right thing. These include things like honesty, fairness, and equality. Moral principles can be different for everyone because they depend on how a person was raised and what is important to them in life. History of Moral Principles The history of moral principles dates back to Ancient Greece and Ancient China. Moral principles were important in these societies because they believed that to be successful, people needed a clear sense of right and wrong....

January 22, 2023 · 6 min · 1117 words · Pamela Gilbar

What Happens When You Quit Smoking

Smoking carries serious health risks, like a higher chance of coronary heart disease, lung cancer, and stroke. Quitting can help undo some of the damage and improve your health. As of Dec. 20, 2019, the new legal age limit is 21 years old for purchasing cigarettes, cigars, or any other tobacco products in the United States. What happens when you quit smoking? Certain improvements take time, but some positive changes start to occur within minutes, hours, and days of quitting....

January 22, 2023 · 9 min · 1875 words · Elizabeth Perrodin

What Is Parallel Processing In Psychology

In cognitive psychology, parallel processing refers to our ability to deal with multiple stimuli simultaneously. One example is driving. When we drive a car, we don’t focus on driving exclusively; we also listen to music, carry on a conversation with our passengers, and look for the name of the street where our destination is located. Our ability to process different kinds of stimuli at once enables our brain to carry out all these tasks at once....

January 22, 2023 · 5 min · 1024 words · Arthur Hodges

What Is Postpartum Psychosis

What Is Postpartum Psychosis? Postpartum psychosis is a serious mental illness that occurs after childbirth. It is considered a medical emergency and needs to be treated immediately. During the perinatal period, which includes pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum, women undergo many physical, emotional, and social changes, which can lead to mental disturbances, including mood swings, depression, PTSD, and psychosis. Though it’s a rare perinatal disorder, postpartum psychosis occurs in one to two per one thousand women of childbearing age....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 733 words · Carol Hahn

What To Do If You Re Married But Lonely

You don’t have to be alone to feel lonely. While being in a committed relationship might seem like the solution to the feeling of loneliness, it is possible to be married but lonely. Loneliness is a subjective state of mind in which people desire more social contact but feel disconnected or isolated from other people. It’s more about how you feel about your connectedness to others. If you’ve ever felt lonely in a crowd, you can appreciate that being surrounded by other people isn’t necessarily a cure for feelings of isolation....

January 22, 2023 · 9 min · 1717 words · Julia Shaw

When To Go To The Hospital For Labor

It’s common to feel uncertain about when to go to the hospital for labor—especially if you’re not sure that you are in labor. As you get closer to the end of your pregnancy, you’ll want to be able to tell the difference between false labor and true labor and identify the transition from early labor to active labor. There are a few strong indicators that it’s time: You’re having regular contractions: every four minutes, lasting one minute, happening for at least an hour; remember 411)....

January 22, 2023 · 18 min · 3746 words · Joe Yates

22 Weeks Pregnant Baby Development Symptoms And More

At 22 weeks, you are more than halfway through your pregnancy. You may now be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat with a stethoscope. You may also feel your first, mild, practice contractions. Your Baby’s Development at 22 Weeks At 22 weeks, a baby is typically over 7 1/2 inches (19.2 centimeters) from the top of the head to the bottom of the buttocks (known as the crown-rump length). The baby’s height is approximately 10 3/4 inches (27....

January 21, 2023 · 8 min · 1690 words · James Theobald

6 Signs Of Manipulation In Relationships

People who manipulate use mental distortion and emotional exploitation to influence and control others. Their intent is to have power and control over others to get what they want. Someone who manipulates you knows what your weaknesses are and will use them against you. If the person doing the manipulation is getting what they want from you, the manipulation will continue until you decide it has to stop and actively and intentionally put an end to it....

January 21, 2023 · 14 min · 2817 words · Andrew Sanchez

An Overview Of Forensic Psychology

What Is Forensic Psychology? Forensic psychology is a field that combines the practice of psychology and the law by utilizing psychological expertise within the justice system. Forensic psychology may encompass evaluating competency to stand trial, making sentencing recommendations, offering expert testimony, performing child custody evaluations, participating in jury selection, and providing psychotherapy to criminal offenders. The word ‘forensic’ originates from the Latin word ‘forensis,’ which means “the forum,” or the court system of Ancient Rome....

January 21, 2023 · 6 min · 1132 words · Fred Toone

Bbt Charting How To Detect Ovulation With Basal Body Temperature

You can use a basal body temperature (BBT) chart to conceive faster by determining your most fertile days. Detecting ovulation with BBT charting is relatively easy, noninvasive, and inexpensive. Your gynecologist or reproductive endocrinologist may recommend charting to help detect when ovulation is happening or to get a better idea of your menstrual cycle patterns. There are many advantages of BBT charting. Here’s everything you could want to know about basal body temperature charting....

January 21, 2023 · 12 min · 2545 words · Rodney Reaves

Can Pregnant Women Eat Salmon

When you find out you are pregnant, you may begin to wonder which foods are safe to eat and which you need to avoid. Fish is particularly tricky. It has many health benefits and some varieties support a growing baby’s brain, but it also comes with some potential dangers, like mercury contamination and food-borne illness. Salmon can be a good choice because it has a fairly low mercury content and it doesn’t have a strong fishy taste that may turn you off if you experience food aversions during pregnancy....

January 21, 2023 · 7 min · 1483 words · Rubin Wolak

Carmella Name Meaning Origin Popularity

What Does Carmella Mean? If you’re looking for a sweet name with a unique and classic sound to it, Carmella might be a good choice. In Spanish and Italian, both romance languages, the name can be gendered masculine to “Carmelo.” Though the name sounds Mediterranean, its origin is actually from the Hebrew for “garden.” It stems from Mount Carmel in Israel, which is known for its bountiful orchards. Carmella also has biblical roots....

January 21, 2023 · 2 min · 333 words · Michael Wilson

Croup Symptoms Diagnosis And Treatment

Croup is a common childhood viral infection of the larynx, trachea, and bronchial tubes that is easily recognized due to several distinctive characteristics. The highly contagious illness, also called laryngotracheobronchitis, is most prevalent in children between the ages of 6 months and 3 years but can affect children of all ages. Symptoms, which often include a runny nose and a brassy cough, develop about two to six days after being exposed to someone with croup and typically self-resolve in two to five days....

January 21, 2023 · 9 min · 1727 words · Catherine Ibanez

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder Symptoms Treatment

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) is a childhood condition that is characterized by severe anger, irritability, and frequent temper outbursts. While temper tantrums tend to be quite common in kids, DMDD is more than just normal childhood moodiness. The angry outbursts that kids experience with DMDD are extreme, intense, and can lead to significant disruption in many areas of a child’s life. This condition is a fairly new diagnosis, first appearing in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5), which was published in 2013....

January 21, 2023 · 7 min · 1392 words · Gregory Gilkes

Dreams About Cheating Why They Happen And What To Do

Have you had a dream where you’ve cheated on your partner with someone else? It could have been with a stranger, a celebrity, someone you’re close to, or even a former partner. If so, you’re not alone. Dreaming about cheating is in fact quite common, says Sarah Gundle, PsyD, a clinical psychologist with a private practice in New York City. Even if your relationship with your current partner is rock-solid and the thought of cheating has never crossed your mind, having a dream about cheating on them can leave you feeling quite shaken....

January 21, 2023 · 6 min · 1096 words · Christopher White

Expository Writing For Elementary School Children

When your children come home from school with an expository writing assignment, your first thought as a parent might be, “Huh?” Expository writing is the moniker given to the kinds of writing assignments that simply used to be known as a report. And as such, expository writing, or writing reports, is simultaneously probably the most straightforward and the most challenging kind of assignments that kids will get in elementary school....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 535 words · Sherry King