Teachers Share Back To School Advice

Schools fave faced some of the biggest changes throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. After being shut down and forced to go virtual for over a year, many teachers are preparing to return back to their classrooms again for the first time. And even those who were able to see their students in person last year still know the year ahead is going to involve challenges they’ve yet to face. Here’s how they are preparing....

January 20, 2023 · 12 min · 2361 words · Marilyn Cook

The 6 Best Padded Bike Gloves Of 2023

Preparing for a bike ride requires the right gear, from a well-fitted helmet to sunglasses. And what nears the top of the list of biking essentials is a solid pair of padded bike gloves. While standard bike gloves prevent calluses and soreness, padded gloves add another layer of comfort and protection so you can focus on your ride. Padded gloves are designed to reduce pressure, minimize the impact of the handlebars, and absorb shock from the road....

January 20, 2023 · 8 min · 1602 words · Paul Lybert

The Link Between Adhd And Boredom

Feeling bored usually happens when nothing in your environment captures your interest or attention. Boredom might start with your mind, but it can quickly affect your body and emotions too. For example, you might feel restless or fatigued and your mood can plummet. Boredom is one of the things people with ADHD fear the most and will go to great lengths to avoid it. Common Signs of Boredom How many of these sound familiar?...

January 20, 2023 · 5 min · 856 words · Edwardo Basham

Wedding Stress Causes Symptoms And Coping Strategies

Getting married is exciting, but it can also be incredibly stressful. Wedding planning involves a lot of time, energy, and money. Additionally, the sheer number of decisions you have to make can be overwhelming. The pressure of wanting everything to be perfect doesn’t help. Add everyone’s opinions and expectations to the mix and it can feel like a nerve-wracking exercise. This article explores some of the common causes of wedding stress, the symptoms you may experience, and some coping strategies that may be helpful....

January 20, 2023 · 7 min · 1488 words · Rex Fenner

What Is Analysis Paralysis

What Is Analysis Paralysis? From the time you wake up in the morning, you are bombarded with information and faced with making many decisions, in fact, people make approximately 35,000 decisions per day! Some decisions can be as simple as which shirt to wear to work, while other decisions may be more complex like whether to move forward with a new career opportunity. Although it is a good idea to be thoughtful in your decision-making, there are times when you may move beyond thoughtful to a place of confusion and overwhelm....

January 20, 2023 · 7 min · 1448 words · Amado Ender

What Is Global Developmental Disorder

What Is Global Developmental Disorder? Global developmental delay (GDD), sometimes referred to as global developmental disorder, is a neurodevelopmental diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). For an individual to meet the criteria for GDD, they must experience delays in achieving milestones in several areas of intellectual functioning and learning. A provider will re-evaluate someone with a diagnosis of GDD as they get older to obtain a more specific and accurate diagnosis....

January 20, 2023 · 5 min · 899 words · Patrica Hein

27 Spring Baby Names Meanings Origins

Spring baby names are some of the most beautiful seasonal names you can come up with. The season is all about newness and beauty—just like your brand new baby! It is so easy to be inspired by mother nature when giving your baby a spring-themed name, whether it’s flowers, animals, or just the world around you. What is also really fun about spring is that the months during the season are popular names in themselves!...

January 19, 2023 · 7 min · 1488 words · Charlene Waters

34 Baby Names That Start With P Meanings Origins

Thematic baby names can be so much fun in a family. What’s even more fun about it is that the theme options are practically endless. You could name your children after the time of year they’re born or perhaps after your favorite flowers. Some families may opt to pass down family names, staying on theme with a side of tradition. One fun theme families opt for is going by letters. Whether you want all the names to start with the same letter or you want a specific pattern to follow, having a list of names to start with can help....

January 19, 2023 · 5 min · 1062 words · Nanette Moffatt

5 Ways To Hide Your Pregnancy Symptoms

So you’re pregnant, but the timing just isn’t right to share your pregnancy announcement, so you’re working at hiding a pregnancy for a bit. And now you’ve got to find a way to hide the truth that sounds plausible. Here are five common pregnancy signs that need hiding until you’re ready to spill the beans: You’re No Longer Drinking You’re out with your friends and you haven’t really told anyone yet....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 548 words · Phillip Thomas

Adderall Xr Uses Side Effects Dosages Precautions

Adderall XR is the extended-release version of Adderall. Half the dose takes effect immediately, and the other half takes effect in about four hours. Adderall Extended Release (Adderall XR) is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant most commonly used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Taken as an oral capsule, this medication works by altering norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain. It can increase concentration, help people stay on task longer, and manage behavioral issues associated with ADHD....

January 19, 2023 · 13 min · 2742 words · Andrew Herstad

Alternative Therapies Types And Uses

Alternative therapies refer to any medical treatments that are not traditional medicine techniques. Alternative therapies could either be used alongside conventional medicine or instead of it. The term is often used interchangeably with “complementary medicine.” In medical spaces, the practice is referred to as Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). The National Institutes of Health (NIH) does make a distinction between complementary and alternative medicine. According to them, when it’s used alongside traditional medicine, it’s complementary, but if it’s used in place of conventional medicine, then it’s considered alternative....

January 19, 2023 · 7 min · 1330 words · Daniel West

Apa Essay Format How To Write A Successful Apa Essay

If your instructor has asked you to write an APA format essay, it might at first seem like a daunting task, especially if you are accustomed to using another style such as MLA or Chicago. But you can master these rules too. An essay is one type of paper that can be written in APA format; others include lab reports, experimental reports, and case studies. Before you begin, familiarize yourself with some of the basic guidelines of writing a paper in APA format....

January 19, 2023 · 7 min · 1284 words · Helen Hunt

Aptitude Tests Examples Types And Uses

An aptitude test is designed to assess what a person is capable of doing or to predict what a person is able to learn or do given the right education and instruction. It represents a person’s level of competency to perform a certain type of task. So, is an intelligence test an example of an aptitude test? Not exactly. The two tests are similar, but distinct in what they measure....

January 19, 2023 · 5 min · 881 words · Chun Shelton

Attachment Parenting Basic Principles And Criticisms

There’s no one “right” way to parent a child. Nonetheless, there sure are a lot of theories out there about the best way to do it! One parenting method you’ve probably heard a lot of buzz about is attachment parenting. This parenting style is based on the premise that babies and young children need responsiveness and closeness from their parents to become secure, confident children. Attachment parenting is somewhat of a controversial parenting method....

January 19, 2023 · 7 min · 1435 words · Christopher Baker

Bad Habits And Fidgeting At School

Unfortunately, some people, including parents, teachers, and doctors, can be quick to jump on a diagnosis of ADHD for children like this. It is important to remember that part of the criteria for making a diagnosis of ADHD is that the symptoms have to cause some kind of impairment. If his grades are good and he is not disrupting the class, then it doesn’t sound like it is causing a problem....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 561 words · Tamara Bundy

Can I Use Botox While Pregnant

Whether you’re a superfan of getting Botox, considering it, or simply intrigued by all the hype you’ve heard, hit the brakes if you’re pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant. Botox has become a hot topic of conversation in the 21st Century—a simple Google search brings up more than 43 million results—but, unfortunately, it falls into the category of luxuries you have to put on hold while pregnant. Rather than just tell you that Botox is a pregnancy no-no and move on, we’ve tapped a couple of pros to explain why this is so, for how long, and what you can use in the meantime to help smooth out fine lines and wrinkles....

January 19, 2023 · 8 min · 1569 words · Robert Morris

Common Drug Law Terms And Laws

While using drugs can have a significant negative impact on your mental and physical health, using or owning drugs can put you at serious risk of legal action. Many addictive drugs, including medications available by prescription, are “controlled substances,” which means that there are laws in place that control the use and even possession of these drugs. Having these drugs without a doctor’s prescription and supervision can land you in real trouble....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 569 words · Elizabeth Johnson

Cramping And Pain Is Normal During A Miscarriage

Cramping and some pain is normal during a miscarriage, but how much is too much? The amount of cramping during a miscarriage tends to vary by the person and how far along the pregnancy was at the time of the loss. Miscarriage Bleeding may also be an indicator of miscarriage. The amount of bleeding and cramping that you experience may vary depending on how far along you are in the pregnancy....

January 19, 2023 · 4 min · 679 words · Lindsay Gonzalez

Creative Stress Relief Activities

Much has been written about the many effective ways to manage stress, such as meditation, breathing exercises, journaling, and other well-known strategies. Their benefits are proven, and they’re popular strategies for a reason. New Year’s resolutions often involve them, and adopting them as part of your daily life can add years to it. However, they’re not the only ways to relieve stress, and they may not even be the most effective ways for you to relieve stress....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 596 words · John Watson

Developing Brains May Process Music Differently When Learning A Foreign Language

Extra-curricular activities are often encouraged from a young age, but different activities have varied effects on the brain. A study published in Cerebral Cortex found that when children partook in foreign language classes it affected how their brains processed music as well, particularly in facilitating the processing of auditory signals. Key Takeaways Group-based foreign language learning had a greater impact than music training on children’s auditory predictive processes. The music program facilitated pitch encoding when focused on basic sound features....

January 19, 2023 · 5 min · 938 words · Autumn Olivares