Relationship Paranoia Causes Impact And Prevention

What Is Relationship Paranoia? Do you check your partner’s phone when they’re sleeping? Are you worried that their relationship with a coworker is more than it seems? Do you call them to check up on them when they’re out? Do you think they’re lying to you about finances? Do you find yourself picking a fight every time they meet a friend? These are some of the signs of relationship paranoia....

January 12, 2023 · 6 min · 1201 words · Marie Phillips

Salary And Training For Experimental Psychologists

Experimental psychologists study an enormous range of topics within psychology, including both human and animal behavior. Do you enjoy researching human behavior? If you have a passion for solving problems or exploring theoretical questions, you might be interested in a career as an experimental psychologist. If you have ever wanted to learn more about what experimental psychologists do, this career profile can answer some of your basic questions and help you decide if you wish to explore this specialty area in greater depth....

January 12, 2023 · 4 min · 644 words · Thomas Nelson

Self Efficacy Why Believing In Yourself Matters

Self-efficacy is a person’s belief in their ability to complete a task or achieve a goal. It encompasses a person’s confidence in themselves to control their behavior, exert an influence over their environment, and stay motivated in the pursuit of their goal. People can have self-efficacy in different situations and domains, such as school, work, relationships, and other important areas. When facing a challenge, do you feel like you can rise up and accomplish your goal, or do you give up in defeat?...

January 12, 2023 · 11 min · 2233 words · Bonnie Lohrenz

Socioeconomic And Racial Disparities Affect Early Childhood Development

Despite the official ending of segregation in the 1960s, there remains a longstanding separation of communities and inequity in community resources, resulting in Black and Latinx communities having higher poverty rates than white neighborhoods. A recent study has shown that these socioeconomic disparities can hinder development in kids as young as five. Key Takeaways Racial inequity can affect development in children as young as 5.Effects of socioeconomic disparities are connected to health issues that can persist through adulthood....

January 12, 2023 · 4 min · 688 words · Joseph Hibbler

Spectrophobia How To Overcome The Fear Of Mirrors

What Is Spectrophobia? Spectrophobia, a type of anxiety disorder classified as a specific phobia, is the fear of mirrors and/or the fear of what may be reflected in them. It may also be referred to as eisoptrophobia or catoptrophobia. Individuals with spectrophobia may be extremely fearful of their own reflection, of the mirror itself, or of ghosts appearing in mirrors. This condition is very rare, but it can also be quite serious....

January 12, 2023 · 7 min · 1316 words · Charles Alcaraz

Step By Step Guide To Bathing Your Newborn

Bathing a newborn is something many new parents eagerly look forward to. After all, there is nothing sweeter than a tiny baby getting gently soaped while kicking and splashing in the water. Nevertheless, you may also have questions and concerns when it comes to giving your baby a bath. Maybe you have a little one who seems to dislike baths. Or maybe you’re unsure of how to find the right water temperature....

January 12, 2023 · 9 min · 1718 words · Kenneth Jones

The 11 Best Cycling Gloves Of 2023

A good pair of cycling gloves are a must-have accessory for any cyclist, whether you’re biking to work, riding mountain trails, going for a long ride, or hitting a spin class. Cycling gloves improve your grip, increase your comfort, and help you avoid soreness, hand numbness, calluses, and other issues that frequently plague cyclists. When looking for cycling gloves consider a few factors to ensure they’re comfortable and effective. Gloves should fit snuggly but not be restrictive and padding should be lightweight and breathable....

January 12, 2023 · 11 min · 2196 words · Stephanie Huether

The 4 Best Barefoot Running Shoes For Men Of 2023

Active people embrace barefoot running shoes for many different purposes, from encouraging a more natural running style and building foot strength to working on foot grip and flexibility for weight training, CrossFit, and other activities. Barefoot running shoes, also known as minimalist shoes, have minimal cushioning and are low to the ground to simulate a shoeless experience while still protecting your feet from rocks, hot pavement, and other hazards. To get the maximum benefit from minimalist shoes, make sure they are well-fitting and lightweight to provide the most ground contact....

January 12, 2023 · 8 min · 1551 words · George Schwartz

The Dangers Of Using Fake Covid 19 Id Cards In College

As part of the collective effort to get back to “normal” life, a large number of U.S. colleges are requiring that students get fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Students must show proof of their COVID-19 vaccination via their official vaccine card, which includes the logo of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, there are still many people who do not want to get their shots. Enter: fake COVID-19 vaccination cards....

January 12, 2023 · 5 min · 976 words · Arnold Trinkle

The Foods You Crave When You Re Pregnant And Why

Pregnancy is one of the most intensive bodily transformations you will ever experience. And yes, almost every part of your body changes in some way or another. But before all of this happens—maybe before you even get a positive pregnancy test—you will notice that your appetite changes, often quite dramatically. There will be certain foods you used to love that you absolutely abhor when you are pregnant. But there will also be foods that you crave—maybe foods that you never liked before....

January 12, 2023 · 8 min · 1690 words · Lloyd Vasquez

The Link Between Social Anxiety Disorder And Depression

Can depression cause social anxiety disorder? Or is the reverse true, and being socially anxious causes you to become depressed? Given the close relationship between these disorders, it is natural to ask questions about why you feel depressed if you are socially anxious, or why you may become socially anxious if you are depressed. Feelings of anxiety and worry about being around others can evolve into feeling down in general, particularly if you isolate yourself or stop participating in activities....

January 12, 2023 · 4 min · 706 words · Bennie Resendez

The Meaning Of Per Se Dui Laws

Every state in the U.S. and the District of Columbia now have per se drunk driving laws on the books. Those laws state that any driver found to have a blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 or greater is guilty of driving under the influence. “Per se,” is a Latin phrase that means “by itself.” In other words, having a 0.08 BAC by itself means that you are guilty of driving while intoxicated without regard to any other evidence....

January 12, 2023 · 4 min · 656 words · Ricky Segura

The Theory Of Evolution And Anxiety

The following is a brief overview of some recent theories on evolution and anxiety. Evolutionary psychology is a growing field that is attempting to better understand the adaptive function of specific psychological traits. Some of this work is in understanding emotions and the development of our emotional processes. Anxiety and Fear Fear is the complex reaction to a clear and present danger whereas anxiety is a response to an unknown or anticipated threat....

January 12, 2023 · 3 min · 443 words · Matthew Jones

Using Laughing Gas For Labor

Nitrous oxide is a pain relief method that is regaining popularity in the United States as another option for helping to control pain in labor. You may have heard about “laughing gas” as something used to help relax you while at the dentist—nitrous oxide is the same medication. While laughing gas for labor is not commonly used in America, elsewhere in the world laughing gas (often also called “gas and air”) is a popular childbirth pain relief option, even in home births....

January 12, 2023 · 7 min · 1347 words · Christina Mulligan

What Is Intimate Sex

When two people have feelings of closeness and connectedness as well as sexual chemistry, their participation in sexual acts can be defined as intimate sex. Intimate sex is gratifying for a variety of reasons. Casual sex is a no-strings-attached act that doesn’t involve future expectations or a romantic, emotional commitment. While casual sex also has merit, intimacy combined with sex seems to be advantageous. In recent research, for example, results for both men and women in romantic, long-term relationships showed that higher levels of intimacy are associated with more sexual desire....

January 12, 2023 · 6 min · 1090 words · Lorenzo Cullen

What Is Misogyny

Misogyny is often conflated with sexism, or the hatred of and discrimination against women. It is a term often used to describe extreme acts of violence against women. Misogyny involves punishing women for challenging male dominance. It may be rooted in hatred for women, but it is not the same as sexism. Words often evolve as culture shifts, though. That was the case in 2012 with Julia Gillard’s speech in Parliament while serving as the Prime Minister of Australia, when she called out the Leader of the Opposition’s behavior as misogynistic....

January 12, 2023 · 9 min · 1737 words · Jason Tuttle

What Is Promiscuity

What Is Promiscuity? In recent years, promiscuity has come to be used as a word to describe a person who fits a variety of different situations: They may rotate regularly through numerous sexual partners, and/or have one-night stands with partners they never see again, and/or sleep with people of various genders, just to name a few examples. Promiscuity is the act of engaging in sexual relationships with numerous people or of being indiscriminate about who you have sexual relationships with....

January 12, 2023 · 6 min · 1126 words · Karen Saucedo

What Is Zen Meditation

Zen meditation, also known as Zazen, is a meditation technique rooted in Buddhist psychology. The goal of Zen meditation is to regulate attention. It’s sometimes referred to as a practice that involves “thinking about not thinking.” People usually sit in the lotus position—or sit with their legs crossed—during Zen meditation and focus their attention inward. While some practitioners say this step is accomplished by counting breaths—generally from one to 10—others say there is no counting involved....

January 12, 2023 · 7 min · 1489 words · Edgar Davidson

What Kind Of Help Might You Need For Newborn Twins

With twins on the way, you may be wondering if you’ll need some help with your newborns or if you’ll be able to handle it on your own. During this time, help is a necessity for some families. For others, it’s a luxury. The kind of help you may be considering can come in many forms—from hiring full-time childcare to volunteer assistance with chores and meals. Tips for Arranging Help Whatever your needs are, it’s never too early to start thinking about what kind of help will be most beneficial to your family and begin making arrangements....

January 12, 2023 · 4 min · 707 words · Cecil Hall

What To Do When You Feel Like Running Away

Fantasizing about running away, or getting close to actually doing so, is perhaps more common than you may think. At its core, running away is a means to escape our current world—a world that isn’t serving us the way we desire. Maybe you feel stuck or bored and are craving a renewed sense of vigor. Or perhaps you’re feeling uneasy about your relationships, unsatisfied with your job, or completely overwhelmed with your day-to-day obligations....

January 12, 2023 · 6 min · 1090 words · Lori Dougherty