Skills Needed To Earn A Psychology Degree

Earning a psychology degree certainly requires a number of different skills and abilities, and, as with any field of study, you should start out your education by improving your skills in these areas. In many cases, these may be topics that you have already studied in high school, so you may have a certain level of familiarity with them. In other instances, you might need to beef up your understanding by taking some extra courses during your first or second year of university study....

January 5, 2023 · 3 min · 550 words · Timothy Williams

Step By Step Guide To Making Baby Food

While store-bought baby food can be a great option for babies who are starting solids, preparing homemade baby food works really well for some families. For others, the idea of making your own baby food may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to. The work involved in making your own baby purees can actually be quite minimal. All you need is the right tools and techniques at the ready. Making your own food at home can save money and offers the added benefit of giving you complete control over what is going into your baby’s body....

January 5, 2023 · 7 min · 1374 words · Betty Hitchcock

Stories Of Twins Separated At Birth

In February 2014, the world became enamored with the story of Anais Bordier and Samantha Futerman (in photo). The two girls, raised on different continents, were twins who discovered each other through Facebook and YouTube. Their fascinating story is just one example of incidences of twins separated at birth. Once reunited, they often discover amazing similarities and coincidences. Like Anais and Samantha, James Arthur Springer and James Edward Lewis were adopted by different families and grew up apart....

January 5, 2023 · 3 min · 493 words · Shane Mcilvain

Symptoms That You Might Be Expecting Twins

With the incidence of twin pregnancies on the rise, the chance of having multiple babies in your pregnancy is more common than ever. Twin pregnancies are often able to be detected at the first prenatal appointment, but maybe you’ve been prompted early on by a dream, passing comment, or premonition. There are several symptoms of a twin pregnancy that could serve as helpful clues. Only your doctor or medical caregiver can tell you for sure, so be sure to follow up on your suspicions....

January 5, 2023 · 6 min · 1182 words · Dorothy Hill

The 10 Best Yoga Pants Alternatives To Lululemon Of 2023

Even some of the most dedicated fans of yoga apparel giant Lululemon have reasons to diversify their workout wardrobes. While the company was at the forefront of establishing the “athleisure” style that is so common today, you may want to branch out and find other companies that suit your style, yoga practice, and budget better. The marketplace has exploded with options for great-looking, functional yoga clothes. Take a look at brands that are widely available in the U....

January 5, 2023 · 9 min · 1720 words · Willie Coco

The 15 Best Places To Buy Leggings In 2023

Arguably the most popular piece of workout clothing, leggings are super versatile for exercise of any kind, loungewear, and even dressing up. With so many options in-store and online, the choices are endless. But before you buy, it’s wise to know if the apparel store you’re choosing from suits your needs. Of course, the quality of the leggings sold is always the most important factor to consider. “A good legging starts with a compression fit to increase endurance, and dry-wicking properties for moisture absorption and skin protection,” Karen Fultz-Robinson, creator of ObservaMé Athletic Apparel, says....

January 5, 2023 · 22 min · 4684 words · Maile Emerson

The Connection Between Adhd And Toxic Relationships

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by patterns of hyperactivity, inattention, impulsivity, restlessness, or a combination of all of these. Now, while building and maintaining relationships can be difficult for everyone, those with ADHD can encounter some unique challenges. For example, they may be seen as poor listeners due to being forgetful and distracted. Additionally, people with ADHD can display high novelty-seeking tendencies, which can sometimes lead them into toxic relationships when compared to the rest of the population....

January 5, 2023 · 9 min · 1874 words · Mario Winn

Thought Broadcasting Symptoms Diagnosis And Causes

Thought broadcasting is a condition that causes a person to believe that their thoughts can be heard or known by people around them. Some people believe that their thoughts are being broadcasted by the television, radio, or the internet and in some cases might avoid interacting with these mediums. Thought broadcasting is usually a symptom of a psychotic disorder like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Symptoms Thought broadcasting is primarily characterized by an unshakeable feeling that people around you can hear your innermost thoughts....

January 5, 2023 · 5 min · 1004 words · Charles Jackson

What Is Alzheimer S Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive and irreversible brain condition. The two most common symptoms of the condition are confusion and memory loss. Alzheimer’s disease slowly causes thinking and memory to deteriorate to the point that even simple tasks become difficult or impossible. Alzheimer’s disease can eventually cause a person to lose their ability to respond to their environment, including becoming unable to carry out a conversation. It is also the most common cause of dementia in older adults....

January 5, 2023 · 11 min · 2315 words · Anthony Jackson

What Is Prejudice

If someone is acting on their prejudices, they are pre-judging (hence the term “prejudice”) someone before even getting to know them on a deeper level. This is an irrational attitude and mindset which does no good for anyone involved. Prejudice Prejudice is an assumption or an opinion about someone simply based on that person’s membership to a particular group. For example, people can be prejudiced against someone else of a different ethnicity, gender, or religion....

January 5, 2023 · 5 min · 1021 words · Lois Ryder

What Is The Dark Line On My Pregnant Belly

The dark line on your pregnant belly is the linea nigra, sometimes called the pregnancy line. About 80% of pregnant people will see the linea nigra form on their stomach during pregnancy. It usually shows up sometime after the first trimester. It is not unique to pregnancy. It can also form when you are not pregnant, even in men. Learn more about the pregnancy line that may appear on your stomach while expecting....

January 5, 2023 · 3 min · 509 words · Danita Boudreaux

What Is The Link Between Schizophrenia And Genetics

Schizophrenia is a mental illness that is primarily characterized by psychosis. Its most common symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, and thought disorders. Schizophrenia alters how a person thinks, feels, and behaves, and makes it hard for the person living with the condition to discern between what is real and what is not. Scientists have yet to identify what exactly causes schizophrenia, but some research and studies draw a link between the condition and genetics....

January 5, 2023 · 6 min · 1080 words · Scott Kubesh

What Nursing Moms Need To Know About Drinking Alcohol

Is it OK for nursing mothers to enjoy an occasional drink or two? Ask around and you’re likely to feel more unsure than before you asked. Conflicting messages about drinking while breastfeeding can leave even the most well-informed mom with a host of questions. Do I have to stave off drinking completely? Is it OK to breastfeed right after a glass of wine? Will enjoying a margarita harm my baby? Should I pump and dump?...

January 5, 2023 · 5 min · 1009 words · Patrick Mcmullin

What To Do If Your Baby Won T Stop Crying

There is almost nothing more upsetting than when your baby cries—especially if you aren’t sure why they are crying—and all your efforts at calming them down don’t seem to be working. If you are in a situation where your baby is crying and you aren’t able to quiet them, you may start to feel like a bad parent, or like you don’t know what you are doing. Of course, knowing that dealing with some crying is common doesn’t help much in the moment that you are dealing with it!...

January 5, 2023 · 10 min · 2035 words · Alice Bible

What To Know About Delta 8 Thc

Delta-8 THC, short for Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol, is a chemical found in the cannabis (AKA marijuana) plant. It’s a psychoactive substance, but it is considered less psychoactive than other components of cannabis, such as Delta-9 THC. Because it naturally occurs only in very small doses, it’s usually manufactured from CBD. Users say it produces a mild high, but research thus far is limited on its uses. The History of Minor and Novel Cannabinoids There are over one hundred chemicals that are naturally occurring in the cannabis plant, and these chemicals are also known as minor cannabinoids and novel cannabinoids....

January 5, 2023 · 5 min · 972 words · Annett Dykes

Why Do People Die From Eating Disorders

It’s a myth that the effects of eating disorders aren’t as dangerous as the effects of other mental health conditions. Unfortunately, health complications related to eating disorders can be fatal. However, early intervention markedly improves treatment outcomes, which is one reason to ensure people with eating disorders receive a prompt diagnosis and access to treatment. Mortality Rates in People With Eating Disorders Studies report varying death rates from eating disorders, but there are common findings....

January 5, 2023 · 11 min · 2159 words · Matthew Gonzales

Why Do Ssris Cause Anxiety At First

Although they’re often used to treat anxiety, antidepressants can potentially cause anxiety, especially when people begin taking them for depression. Using various strategies, it is possible to get a better handle on these anxiety symptoms. Some strategies you can use yourself; others may require working with your healthcare provider. There are also strategies that are helpful to family and friends wanting to support a loved one who is coping with antidepressant-related anxiety....

January 5, 2023 · 5 min · 1005 words · Carol Stafford

Why You Should Give Second Chances With Marine Corps Veteran Craig Grossi And Fred

Follow Now: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts Every Monday on The Verywell Mind Podcast, Editor-in-Chief Amy Morin, LCSW, interviews experts, authors, entrepreneurs, athletes, musicians, and other inspirational people about the strategies that help them think, feel, and do their best in life. Meet Craig Grossi Craig Grossi is a marine corps veteran and recipient of the Purple Heart. While serving in Afghanistan, he came across Fred, a stray dog....

January 5, 2023 · 4 min · 760 words · Jack Winkelman

20 Extended Car Trip Activities For Large Families

These days, with the ease and prevalence of portable devices, filling the time on lengthy car trips isn’t the daunting task it used to be. Everything from coloring pages to educational games to narrated stories can be downloaded and brought along on the road. But if you’re mindful about the screen time you allow your kids, you may not want them glued to an iPad for the duration of a multi-hour journey....

January 4, 2023 · 10 min · 1989 words · Ida Pagel

50 Welsh Baby Names Meanings Origins

The Welsh language is derived from Wales, a constituent state located in the United Kingdom directly west of England. While English is technically the primary language spoken in Wales, Welsh is also considered an official language. It’s part of the Celtic language family, and it has given us some of the most beautiful baby names in the world. If you’re keen on giving your own baby boy or baby girl a Welsh name, start with this list....

January 4, 2023 · 15 min · 2992 words · Mary Locke