Why Having A Pen Pal Is Good For Your Tween

Although electronic communication has “shrunk” our world, many teachers still arrange international pen pal exchanges for their students, and with good reason. If your tween has the opportunity to have an international pen pal, it might be something for you and your tween to consider. A pen pal can do more than help your child learn about the world around him. Below are a few benefits pen pals offer. Hones Reading and Writing Skills Perhaps most obviously, writing and receiving handwritten pen pal letters practices both reading and writing skills....

January 1, 2023 · 3 min · 637 words · Stephen Johnson

You Are Enough But It S Ok To Seek Self Improvement Too

You are enough. This statement is not a lie or placation. It is a simple fact. Each human being—ignoring, in this instance, those who harm others—is enough, and deserving of love and happiness, just as they are. It should be a given but somehow society has taken this truth and turned it into a radical stance. You can be perfectly complete just the way you are, and still take steps towards self-improvement....

January 1, 2023 · 6 min · 1219 words · Thomas Lee

5 Consequences Bully Victims Experience

Even though there are various types of kids who bully others, perhaps the most perplexing are those who are bully-victims. Not only have they been victimized by bullies—sometimes ruthlessly—but they also bully others as well. Most parents might assume that a target of bullying would instead have empathy for others and not inflict pain on those who are more vulnerable. But this is not always the case. Here is what you need to know about bully-victims, including the unique consequences they deal with as well as what you can do to help if your child is caught in this cycle....

December 31, 2022 · 8 min · 1575 words · Jerry Buehler

7 Things To Consider For Your Birth Plan

Creating a birth plan is a good way to think through what you want for your birth and to communicate those wishes with your birth team. Many birth plans are verbally shared with a partner or doctor, or simply written down on a piece of paper, while others are more formal—typed up, signed by your practitioner, and placed in your chart (although these are not legally binding documents). Though it may be tempting to use a pre-written birth plan that you get from a friend or find on the Internet, it is best to go through the process of drafting one that is unique to you....

December 31, 2022 · 4 min · 812 words · Catherine Dirks

Adhd Medication And Anxiety

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurotype that affects an estimated 4% of the world’s population. While it is usually diagnosed in childhood, ADHD is lifelong. It is characterized by patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that can make it difficult for people to pay attention and control their behaviors. Various methods can be implemented to help manage day-to-day tasks and tendencies. This includes medication, therapy, social skills training, lifestyle changes, and special accommodations....

December 31, 2022 · 7 min · 1349 words · Beverly Greene

Ask A Therapist My Daughter Takes Advantage Of My Generosity What Can I Do

Redefine Your Sense of Obligation It makes sense you may feel a sense of obligation to your daughter. She’s a single mother, and you certainly don’t want to see her or your grandkids struggle. In the “Ask a Therapist” series, I’ll be answering your questions about all things mental health and psychology. Whether you are struggling with a mental health condition, coping with anxiety about a life situation, or simply looking for a therapist’s insight, submit a question....

December 31, 2022 · 4 min · 817 words · John Tederous

Best Baby Shower Ideas

When it comes to planning a baby shower, it’s easy to feel like you’re running into a roadblock. You want to do something your friend or family member would enjoy, but you don’t want just another cookie-cutter shower. To help you plan the perfect shower, we have provided you with five ways you can differentiate the baby shower you’re hosting from all the others. From the menu, to the theme, and everything in between, we’ve got you covered....

December 31, 2022 · 15 min · 3014 words · Charles Nowak

Best Things To Say To Your Newborn

Having a baby is hard work, and when you finally see your little one for the first time, you might be overcome with emotion after waiting such a long time to give birth. Consequently, you may say the first thing that comes to your mind or you may want to have something prepared. Either option is fine, of course. So you should plan to do what feels right for you and your family....

December 31, 2022 · 4 min · 781 words · William Henderson

Biography Of Applied Psychologist Hugo M Nsterberg

Hugo Münsterberg was a German psychologist primarily known as a pioneer of applied psychology, including industrial-organizational, clinical, and forensic psychology. Early Life Hugo Münsterberg was born in Danzig, Germany (now Gdansk, Poland), on June 1, 1863, to a merchant father and artist mother. The family had a great love of the arts, and Münsterberg was encouraged to explore music, literature, and art. When he was 12, his mother passed away. His mother’s death marked a major change in the boy’s life, changing him into a serious young man....

December 31, 2022 · 4 min · 818 words · Ted Roberts

Cognitive Distortions And Eating Disorders

Cognitive distortions are inaccurate or exaggerated thoughts or thought patterns. They are sometimes also referred to as dysfunctional, negative, or automatic thoughts. Cognitive distortions about food, weight, and body image are a core symptom of both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa and are experienced by many other people as well. Thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are linked, so these automatic thoughts or cognitive distortions can lead to disordered behaviors. Treatment for eating disorders usually prioritizes weight restoration, resumption of regular eating patterns, and other behavioral changes....

December 31, 2022 · 4 min · 773 words · William Savage

Community Psychology And Society

What Is Community Psychology? Community psychology is a specialty area concerned with how individuals relate to society. Have you ever wondered how people can become more active contributors in their communities? Or do you ever think about how community issues can impact the health and wellness of individuals? These are both major topics of interest within the field of community psychology. Community psychology is multidisciplinary. This is a fairly broad and far-reaching subject within psychology, synthesizing elements from other disciplines including sociology, political science, public health, cross-cultural psychology, and social psychology....

December 31, 2022 · 5 min · 978 words · Cheryl Yates

Do You Feel Like A Bad Person Why You Might Feel This Way

Most people have done things that they regret. Nobody is perfect, and making mistakes is part of life. Sometimes these regrets can leave you wondering if you are a bad person. It can be a distressing thought, but it is not necessarily uncommon. Many people question the things they’ve done and what those actions say about them. Wondering if you are a bad person isn’t always a fleeting thought or existential question; it can be a sign of a mental health condition such as depression....

December 31, 2022 · 11 min · 2214 words · Luis Carrillo

Green Spaces May Decrease Risk Of Childhood Adhd

Children living in areas with sparse green spaces have an increased risk of developing attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a study in Environmental Health Perspectives. Researchers believe that greater exposure to nature and green space could reduce the likelihood that a child will have ADHD. Key Takeaways Access to nature, even if it’s an urban park, may decrease the risk of developing ADHD for children, especially before age 5.Green space offers numerous benefits that can reduce environmental risks, including lower exposure to pollution and more diverse gut microbes....

December 31, 2022 · 5 min · 887 words · Gwendolyn Gonzalez

Hannah Name Meaning Origin Popularity

The name Hannah stems from the Hebrew name Channah, which means “favor” or “grace.” It is a biblical name, with Hannah appearing in the Old Testament as the mother of Samuel. Today it is one of the most popular biblical names given to little girls, gaining increasing familiarity as a name appearing in television and movies quite frequently over the last 20 years. How Popular Is the Name Hannah? Hannah is a popular name that has held a spot in the top 50 baby names for the past 30 years....

December 31, 2022 · 2 min · 403 words · Pauline Garstka

Homeostasis How The Body Strives For Balance

What Is Homeostasis? Homeostasis refers to the body’s need to reach and maintain a certain state of equilibrium. The term was first coined by a physiologist named Walter Cannon in 1926. More specifically, homeostasis is the body’s tendency to monitor and maintain internal states, such as temperature and blood sugar, at fairly constant and stable levels. How Is Homeostasis Maintained? Your body has set points for a variety of states—including temperature, weight, sleep, thirst, and hunger....

December 31, 2022 · 5 min · 936 words · William Edwards

How To Use A Home Pregnancy Test

Home pregnancy tests can be used to easily determine whether or not you may be pregnant, all from the comfort of your home. Typically, people who use home pregnancy tests are either trying to get pregnant and have missed their period or they don’t want to be pregnant and worry that their birth control didn’t work. In either case, these tests can quickly let you know if you’ve conceived or not....

December 31, 2022 · 7 min · 1389 words · Tony Carpenter

How Your Eyes May Be A Marker For Bipolar Disorder

According to a study in Biological Psychiatry, a specialized eye exam may help determine whether a child is at a higher than normal risk of developing a psychiatric disorder like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. Eye Exam as a Predictor of Risk for Bipolar Disorder In this small study, a test called an electroretinography (ERG) was used to examine the retina and how well it functions. The retina is part of the central nervous system and is located at the back of the eye....

December 31, 2022 · 3 min · 552 words · Gabrielle Bennett

Industry Vs Inferiority In Psychosocial Development

Industry versus inferiority is the fourth stage of Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, which occurs after the third stage of initiative versus guilt. The fourth stage occurs during childhood between the ages of six and 11. During the stage of industry vs. inferiority, a child is learning new skills. When they productively navigate this stage, they feel useful and develop a sense of self-worth. However, if they aren’t supported in learning new skills, they may develop a sense of worthlessness or inferiority....

December 31, 2022 · 8 min · 1573 words · Ramona Mcclellan

Jumping To Conclusions Why It Happens And How To Change

Jumping to conclusions is a common issue for many people. When people jump to conclusions, they make unwarranted assumptions based on limited information. This type of thinking allows people to make decisions quickly, but it also means that these decisions are quite often wrong. This article discusses some of the reasons why people tend to jump to conclusions. It also explores strategies that can help people move past this type of negative thinking pattern....

December 31, 2022 · 6 min · 1202 words · Pauline Ross

Lack Of Maternity Care Puts Pregnant People At Risk

Increasing numbers of pregnant and postpartum people live in areas where they do not have access to the medical care they need, according to a new report from March of Dimes. About 2.2 million women of child-bearing age live in these so-called “maternity care deserts,” where expecting parents may have to make long drives to get to their routine exams or to access emergency care. Key Takeaways A new report from the March of Dimes shows an increase in so-called maternity care “deserts” across the country....

December 31, 2022 · 8 min · 1592 words · Susan Ison