What Is An Open Relationship

What Is an Open Relationship? Open relationships fall under the larger category of consensually non-monogamous relationships. They are relationships in which one or both partners can pursue sex, and sometimes emotional attachments, with other people. Open relationships differ from swinging, in which partners have sex with other people at parties and where the relationships are purely sexual. They also differ from polyamory, where partners can pursue more than one committed relationship at a time....

December 28, 2022 · 9 min · 1746 words · Olivia Maclean

What To Know About Mri Scans And Premature Babies

There is almost nothing as challenging and stressful as having a premature baby in the NICU. Even if you know your baby is receiving the best medical care out there, you can’t help but be overwhelmed with worry. If your baby is unwell, when will they get better? If your baby is healthy, will they stay that way? Will they contract an infection in the NICU? Will they grow properly and gain strength?...

December 28, 2022 · 8 min · 1687 words · Jennifer Lewis

When Will I Get My Period After Having A D C

A dilation and curettage, or D&C, is a surgical procedure performed after a miscarriage or to remove cysts or tumors in the uterus. The procedure is performed by an OB/GYN and can be done in a doctor’s office or an operating room. In a D&C, a physician opens the cervix (dilation) to gain access to the uterus. After a miscarriage, they use a curette (a suction device) to remove any retained products of conception (placental or fetal tissue) from the uterus....

December 28, 2022 · 4 min · 688 words · Jennifer Cook

Why Community Is An Important Part Of Black Parenting

Picture this: A child loses at a spelling bee competition. He’s all alone and begins to cry until a competitor’s father goes up to him and offers a word of encouragement. A preteen girl who lives with her single dad gets her period. At a loss, her father asks her “aunties” in the neighborhood to make sure she has everything she needs. A sense of community has long played a pivotal role in the Black parenting experience....

December 28, 2022 · 5 min · 966 words · Anna Cohen

Why Pronoun Use Matters

Pronouns are the most common way that people refer to one another outside of using proper names. While you may be inclined to choose someone’s pronouns for them, assuming you know how another person wants to be addressed can be a faulty proposition. It can also be a cause of unintentional harm. Everyone has the right to decide what pronouns they go by, and it’s everyone else’s responsibility to use those pronouns correctly....

December 28, 2022 · 7 min · 1436 words · Carol Padgett

Xanax Dosages Side Effects Risks And Withdrawal

Xanax is the trade name for the anti-anxiety medication alprazolam. It is part of a group of prescription drugs called benzodiazepines. Xanax is also a controlled drug, which means it has the potential to cause dependence or to be misused. These medications are regulated by law and it is illegal to take Xanax without a prescription from a medical doctor. Effects and Dosage The effects of Xanax depend on several factors....

December 28, 2022 · 3 min · 635 words · Glen Strawser

12 Steps Of Recovery How These Programs Work

The Twelve Steps, originated by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), is a spiritual foundation for personal recovery from the effects of alcoholism, both for the person using alcohol as well as their friends and family in Al-Anon Family Groups. The 12 steps are also used in recovery programs for addictions other than alcohol. Many members of 12-step recovery programs have found that these steps were not merely a way to overcome addiction, but they became a guide toward a new way of life....

December 27, 2022 · 8 min · 1649 words · Jospeh Hanneman

6 Great Ways To Start Your Day

The way you spend your morning can add a certain flavor to the rest of your day. When things start out feeling stressful, you can experience a “downward spiral” of negative events and stressful responses. (If this has already happened to you today, learn how to turn around a bad day.) Conversely, if you start off your day from a place of feeling centered, you will be better able to handle what comes and enjoy the rest of your day to a fuller extent....

December 27, 2022 · 4 min · 665 words · Randy Hendry

7 Ways To Build Social Skills And Prevent Bullying

Your child does not have to be popular to have solid social skills. But having good social skills can do a lot to enhance your teen’s life. Not only will she feel confident and connected to others, being able to communicate thoughts and feelings is an important life skill. What’s more, social skills also are a protective factor against bullying. Strong social skills also help teens feel more comfortable dealing with difficult situations, including bullying....

December 27, 2022 · 4 min · 781 words · Katie Larsen

9 Out Of 10 Infants Experience Gut Microbiome Deficiency New Study Finds

Gut health has gotten more attention over the years as we become increasingly aware of the important role the gut microbiome plays in our overall health. Key Takeaways A new study suggests nine out of 10 infants are missing a type of gut bacteria critical to their health and development.Parents can prioritize a healthy gut by implementing probiotics, prebiotics, and healthy food choices in their child’s diet. The trillions of bacteria, fungi and viruses that make up the human microbiome evolve throughout our lives, and research suggests we first come into contact with those microbes inside our mother’s womb....

December 27, 2022 · 5 min · 982 words · Michael Eckles

A Review Of The Smart Addiction Recovery Program

As with 12 step groups, the SMART Recovery program can be an excellent resource for many people who are working to overcome addictions. The SMART Recovery Program shares with AA the foundation principles of accessibility, confidentiality, and mutual support, which links you to a worldwide network of help, as often and when you need it. However, the SMART Recovery Program is not as widespread or well-known. More rigorous in approach than 12 step groups, the SMART Recovery program may provide more safety for participants in its facilitated and standardized approach to overcoming addiction...

December 27, 2022 · 4 min · 648 words · Mary Henson

Binge Eating Disorder Symptoms

Binge eating disorder (BED) is an eating disorder characterized by episodes of binge eating that are emotionally distressing and interfere with the quality of one’s life. Those who experience this disorder may feel out of control as they consume large portions of food, even if it makes them feel sick. It impacts about 3% of U.S. adults, is considered one of the most common eating disorders, and is more common in women than men....

December 27, 2022 · 6 min · 1140 words · Edward Grant

Can Artificial Intelligence Help With Depression

With a preference for convenience and instant feedback, artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining ground with patients in mental and behavioral health care. In this context, AI refers to technology tools that can be utilized to detect and treat depression. Such tools may help treat and manage depression symptoms by delivering therapy, collecting feedback, and providing personalized recommendations. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), major depression is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health conditions in the United States....

December 27, 2022 · 9 min · 1910 words · James Mulkey

Cordocentesis Procedure Risks And Results

Cordocentesis, also referred to as Percutaneous Umbilical Cord Blood Sampling (PUBS) test, is a prenatal diagnostic test that can be used to determine whether there are any abnormalities present in a fetus. It consists of taking a sample of the fetus’s blood from the umbilical cord for further testing. The test is typically performed after the 18th week of pregnancy and can test for certain genetic conditions, blood disorders, and various infections....

December 27, 2022 · 4 min · 716 words · Jason Miller

Does Sugar Really Make Kids Hyper

You likely hear it all the time. A parent who says, “Their grandmother got them all hyped up on sugar and then sent them home!” or “Don’t give them too much sugar before bed or they won’t ever go to sleep!” When you hear remarks like these as a parent you’re probably wondering what the truth is. Does sugar really cause hyperactivity in children? Historical Link Between Sugar and Hyperactivity The idea that sugar causes hyperactivity in kids stems from a popular diet in the 1970s created by a pediatrician named Dr....

December 27, 2022 · 4 min · 771 words · Victor Alderman

Emdr Therapy Uses Techniques And Effectiveness

Bilateral stimulation involves moving the eyes rhythmically from left to right. These movements, along with focusing on the traumatic memory, is thought to reduce the memory’s emotional impact. As a result, you can begin to heal from the fear and pain associated with the trauma you experienced. Over time, exposure to these memories reduces or eliminates your negative response to them. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a psychotherapy that uses rhythmic left-right (bilateral) stimulation to help people recover from trauma or other distressing life experiences....

December 27, 2022 · 9 min · 1718 words · Bobby Logan

Getting Help For Social Anxiety Disorder At College

If you are struggling with social anxiety disorder (SAD) at college, it can be difficult to manage the everyday aspects of being a student, such as making new friends and attending classes. You Are Not Alone According to a 2011 national survey, more than 62 percent of students with mental health problems who withdrew from college did so because of those issues. Anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent mental health problems experienced by college students today....

December 27, 2022 · 5 min · 899 words · James Miller

How Parents Can Help Teens With Panic Disorder

At times, parenting a teenager can be both very difficult and very rewarding. As a parent, you’re probably well aware of the social pressures, physical and mental changes, and academic issues that your teen faces—and these are just a few of the challenges. Life as a teenager can be made even more complicated if the teen has panic disorder, and as a parent, it can be hard to know how to help your teen deal with this mental health disorder....

December 27, 2022 · 4 min · 711 words · Stuart Dunn

How Student Behavioral Checklists Work

What is the definition of a behavioral checklist? In a nutshell, this checklist is an assessment tool used to determine whether a child’s behavior problems are severe. Learn more about behavioral checklists and whether your child requires such a tool with this review. What Makes Up a Behavioral Checklist Behavioral checklists usually include a series of questions about specific behaviors. People who know the child well are asked to complete the checklist....

December 27, 2022 · 3 min · 503 words · Jayme Hahn

How To Ask Someone On A Date

Asking someone for a date is much like making any assertive request. It involves taking the initiative to let someone know what you are thinking and feeling, asking for what will make you happy, and at the same time considering the feelings of the other person. This article discusses why asking someone on a date is often so intimidating. It also covers why it can be more difficult if you have social anxiety and tips for how to ask someone on a date, whether in person or online....

December 27, 2022 · 7 min · 1425 words · Richard Etherington