How To Deal With Crippling Anxiety

Anxiety is a part of being human. It can be frustrating, and sometimes you just have to deal with it on your own terms. When anxiety overwhelms you to the point that it is crippling, however, that’s when you have a sign that something more serious may need attention. What Is Crippling Anxiety? Rather than being a clinical term, crippling anxiety is a common expression used to describe severe anxiety or an anxiety disorder....

December 27, 2022 · 7 min · 1367 words · Elsa Kato

How To Push Your Baby Out With An Epidural

Epidural anesthesia is the most common form of anesthesia used in childbirth. Since an epidural numbs the entire area between your breasts and knees, you might wonder how you can push your baby out during labor. Some studies have looked at whether or not having an epidural alters how you push your baby out. However, the results have been mixed. A 2017 review of those studies found that for women on epidurals, delaying pushing during the second stage of labor increased the stage by 56 minutes....

December 27, 2022 · 4 min · 665 words · Bernard Johnson

How To Tell Family You Re Not Visiting For The Holidays

If you’re like most people, you break out in a cold sweat or feel anxiety in the pit of your stomach at the thought of telling your parents, in-laws, or even siblings that you won’t be spending the holidays with them. Just talking about the holidays in general can be fraught with emotion. While it may be tempting to put off telling them until the last minute, you should talk to your family sooner rather than later....

December 27, 2022 · 5 min · 1029 words · Melanie Smith

How To Transition Your Nursery To A Toddler Room

They say the days are long and the years are short when you’re a parent. Do you feel like you blinked and suddenly your newborn became a toddler? That is how I was feeling when my March 2019 baby quickly started outgrowing her nursery. Her newborn necessities and toys were taking up precious play space in our New York City apartment, so I knew it was time to transition her room....

December 27, 2022 · 10 min · 2025 words · Barry Taylor

Long Term Effects Of Anaphylactic Shock Anxiety And Ptsd

There are a number of long-term effects of anaphylactic shock, including anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). People often experience feelings of anxiety about the possibility of having an allergic reaction, and it is normal to have anxiety symptoms after experiencing an allergic reaction. A number of traumatic events—such as sexual assault, combat exposure, natural disasters, and motor vehicle accidents—can lead to PTSD. However, the link between anaphylactic shock and PTSD is often overlooked....

December 27, 2022 · 8 min · 1674 words · Kirsten Sheppard

Midlife Eating Disorders Presentation And Treatment

Eating disorders are most often thought of as afflicting teenage girls and young women. In reality, this is not the case. Many women and men don’t stop worrying about weight and shape as they age. The fact is that eating disorders are equal opportunity offenders, crossing cultural boundaries and leaping the borders of age and gender. Despite this, very little research has been done to better understand eating disorders in midlife (commonly defined as the period between 35 and 55 years)....

December 27, 2022 · 7 min · 1423 words · Wanda Harney

Relational Therapy Definition Techniques Efficacy

What Is Relational Therapy? Relational therapy, also considered relational-cultural therapy, is a type of psychotherapy that emphasizes the importance of relationships and their influence on an individual’s well-being. In relational therapy, the therapist encourages exploration of a person’s interaction with others and how these relationships impact their everyday life. Therapists use cognitive-behavioral interventions that are specifically directed towards the understanding of unhealthy thinking habits and behaviors linked to particular relationships....

December 27, 2022 · 6 min · 1138 words · Julius Brandenberger

Second Language Boosts Cognitive Skills In Babies

Many families are choosing to raise their children to know how to speak two languages, whether that be for cultural reasons, educational purposes, or to enrich their life experience. And while having two languages under your belt might be a wonderful skill to have in general, one study has shown that it also has a major benefit for babies’ brains especially. Benefits of Being Bilingual Previous studies have confirmed that there are benefits to being bilingual, such as that it boosts cognitive ability, especially problem-solving....

December 27, 2022 · 6 min · 1263 words · Josie Brinkley

Sexual Harassment Claims Are Biased By Beauty Standards Report Finds

While everyone has an idea of what features and characteristics they find attractive or feminine, these thoughts become detrimental when applied, consciously or not, to believing accusers and defendants in court cases. Key Takeaways The extent to which an accuser is prototypically attractive can impact the response to sexual harassment claims.The defense’s appearance can further influence outside opinion.Removing the accuser and defendant from view is a short-term solution to explore. A new report from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that the extent to which women are prototypical, or conventionally attractive and feminine, affects the likelihood of others believing their sexual harassment claim....

December 27, 2022 · 6 min · 1202 words · John Jaegers

Signs And Risks Of A Threatened Miscarriage

During the early stages of pregnancy, there may be symptoms or sensations that don’t seem right to you. It may be something you can’t put your finger on or a feeling that things are not proceeding as they should. At other times, there may be bleeding or abdominal pain that in no way seems normal. Your first instinct may be to assume the worst: that you are experiencing a miscarriage....

December 27, 2022 · 4 min · 679 words · Scott Hoekstra

Situations That Trigger Social Anxiety

If you live with social anxiety disorder (SAD), it is likely that a variety of different situations trigger feelings of anxiety. A trigger can be internal or external, including smells, sights, sounds, and emotions. For people with social anxiety disorder, anxiety is often triggered by specific social situations, such as speaking in public or even meeting new people at a party. Understanding Anxiety Triggers Anxiety disorders like SAD are believed to be caused by a variety of biological and environmental factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, and stressful life experiences or trauma....

December 27, 2022 · 5 min · 995 words · Ervin Skinner

Spotting The Signs Of Bullying

When it comes to bullying, many kids stay silent and never say a word. Not only do they keep it from their friends, but they also rarely tell the adults in their lives, including their parents. Instead, they often suffer in silence, allowing the bullying to escalate. “You will have to use their detective skills, asking lots of questions, and observing nonverbal reactions to assess if they are possibly holding things back,” says Ciandra St....

December 27, 2022 · 9 min · 1746 words · Jacqueline Nord

The 15 Best Finds In Lululemon S We Made Too Much Section

From leggings that fit like a second skin to durable tops that move with you, lululemon’s activewear is built to support you through even the toughest workouts. Comfortable, breathable, and stylish, the brand’s offerings include men’s clothing, women’s clothing, accessories, and more. And while we’ve found that the best lululemon leggings are worth investing in, the brand’s prices aren’t always budget-friendly. Luckily, there’s an easy way to save on your favorite lululemon pieces: The company’s “We Made Too Much” section drops the prices on some of their most popular styles....

December 27, 2022 · 15 min · 3166 words · Juan Roque

The 16 Best Peloton Alternatives Of 2023

Peloton is a best-in-class option in the cycling space. But splurging on a Peloton bike isn’t the only way to get an excellent at-home cycling workout. There are tons of great exercise bikes, and if you’re not looking to spend a small fortune, there are several budget-friendlier bikes you can pair with fitness accessories to DIY your own luxe workout experience for less. The key is to find a bike that meets your needs....

December 27, 2022 · 21 min · 4300 words · Kathleen Lozano

The Ethics Of Baby Naming Stealing Baby Names

Any “Sex and the City” fan can recall the scene where Charlotte York is outraged at a baby showerbecause the mom-to-be “stole” her baby name — it’s one of those classic television moments that spark conversation and debate. You might have even had it happen to you, or to someone in your friend group. Or, maybe you’ve heard a name you liked and plucked it, only to have a friend despair because you chose the name they wanted for their child....

December 27, 2022 · 11 min · 2222 words · Paul Highshaw

The Scientific Method Steps Uses And Key Terms

How do researchers investigate psychological phenomena? They utilize a process known as the scientific method to study different aspects of how people think and behave. When conducting research, the scientific method steps to follow are: Observe what you want to investigateAsk a research question and make predictionsTest the hypothesis and collect dataExamine the results and draw conclusionsReport and share the results This process not only allows scientists to investigate and understand different psychological phenomena but also provides researchers and others a way to share and discuss the results of their studies....

December 27, 2022 · 8 min · 1704 words · Fred Mena

Try The New Peloton While Pregnant Series

Peloton instructor Robin Arzón is expecting, and she’s taking her fit family along for the ride. The cult-favorite fitness app has recently launched a series of prenatal classes led by Arzón. These range from cycling to strength classes, and they offer safe yet effective workouts for pregnant women. Key Takeaways Peloton has launched prenatal strength and cycling classes taught by instructor Robin Arzón.Medical experts find exercise to be essential for delivery and postnatal health and fitness....

December 27, 2022 · 5 min · 900 words · Angela Scheel

What Dating Looks And Feels Like Post Pandemic

Before the COVID-19 lockdown, 29-year-old Lynn Wolfe was skeptical of dating apps. “I always hoped I’d meet my significant other the old-fashioned way, in person,” she says. But the loneliness that struck when she was cooped up alone in her home in Southern California encouraged her to finally give online dating a try. Like Lynn, many people had to change their dating habits—or at least adjust their expectations—as a result of COVID-19 restrictions....

December 27, 2022 · 8 min · 1493 words · Paul Spencer

What Is Rie Parenting

Whether you’re the mom of a newborn or a parent of a toddler, it can be overwhelming to realize that you are now responsible for another human being. For this little one, you are the center of their universe. Everything they need—whether that is food, safety, love, learning, or comfort— is supplied by you. That is a tall order when you really think about it. For this reason, proponents of RIE Parenting encourage parents to involve their babies in their own caregiving from the very beginning in order to take some of the pressure off of the parents....

December 27, 2022 · 8 min · 1598 words · Edward Lucia

What To Know Before Buying A Baby Swing

It may feel like buying a baby swing is almost as complicated as buying a new car. There are so many specs and features to compare, different colors, shapes, and sizes, and—of course—safety measures to keep in mind. Many parents think about buying a baby swing to allow them to get a break from endless rocking, shushing, and lullaby-singing. If that sounds like you, there’s no need to stress over all of the choices of baby swings before you....

December 27, 2022 · 7 min · 1281 words · Jerry Graham