When A Partner Has Wandering Eyes

When a person has a ‘wandering eye,’ it means looking and having sexual thoughts about people other than their current romantic partner. It may include behaviors such as overtly evaluating and appreciating someone’s physical attractiveness or even outright flirting with people who are not their romantic partners. When the issue of a partner’s eyes wandering is discussed, there seem to be two general responses: Either the behavior is brushed off as nothing to be concerned about or feelings of hurt and disrespect ensue, which may harm the relationship....

December 15, 2022 · 5 min · 1065 words · Hester Eubanks

10 Month Old Baby Milestones And Development

Your little one is quickly approaching their first birthday and every day brings new and exciting developments and changes that you will both delight in. This month also is the point where a lot of babies typically make huge improvements on such milestones as standing, taking steps, and feeding themselves. “The big theme this month is movement and exploring,” says Florencia Segura, MD, FAAP, a pediatrician with Einstein Pediatrics in the Washington DC area....

December 14, 2022 · 19 min · 3881 words · Lee Thai

10 Ways To Make New Year S Eve 2021 Special

If you’re like most people, you’re looking forward to saying farewell to 2021 and ushering in the hope and promise that 2022 holds. But with the pandemic still roaring through the United States and vaccines only just beginning to be administered, you may be wondering how to celebrate the end of this long and challenging year in a way that is fitting—and safe. Subscribe Now: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts...

December 14, 2022 · 11 min · 2150 words · Sergio Alba

50 Baby Names That Start With G Meanings Origins

You want to name your baby after your aunt Geraldine, but the name itself just does not appeal to you. Why not pay homage to your favorite aunt by choosing a name that starts with G that you actually like? The letter G has two main sounds in the English language: the “hard G” like in the world gold and the “soft G” like in the word gentle. Baby names starting with the hard G tend to sound strong and serious, like Gregory or Gabriella....

December 14, 2022 · 9 min · 1769 words · Angie Trevathan

50 Place And Location Baby Names Meaning And Origins

Baby names can be inspired by just about anything—even looking at a map. In fact, place and location names, such as those taken from a hometown, favorite city, ancestral village, dream vacation, or iconic park or landmark, are increasingly repurposed as baby names. You might choose a place-related name to inspire your child to travel the world or help bind them to their family roots. Some location names have multiple origins, such Jackson and Sydney, which are both places and commonly used given names....

December 14, 2022 · 19 min · 3873 words · Wilson Miller

Aphantasia When You Are Blind In Your Mind

Aphantasia is a phenomenon in which people are unable to visualize imagery. While most people are able to conjure an image of a scene or face in their minds, people with aphantasia cannot. Imagine that it is a warm summer day and you are sitting on the side of a swimming pool. The sun is shining down and there are children laughing and splashing in the water. What sort of images do you see in your mind as you think about this scene?...

December 14, 2022 · 8 min · 1650 words · William Venezia

Are You An Overachiever Or A High Performer

Success is something that everyone strives for, but is it ever possible to work too hard to reach your goals? Overachievers are people who do great things but still need to accomplish more. Even though they attain more success than the vast majority of people, they are never satisfied and always strive to accomplish more. Overview While this behavior can lead to professional and academic success, it can create a huge imbalance in a person’s life....

December 14, 2022 · 11 min · 2282 words · Eleanor Newman

Can You Choose A Baby S Gender Via The Babydust Method

One of the exciting parts of a pregnancy is finding out the sex of your baby. Some people don’t have a preference, while others might have secret hopes. Turns out there might be a way to stack the odds in your favor. Kathryn Taylor’s book, “The Babydust Method: A Guide to Conceiving a Girl or a Boy” claims that you can choose your baby’s sex by timing intercourse correctly. The Science Behind the Method According to the Babydust Method, having sex two to three days before ovulation is likely to result in a girl....

December 14, 2022 · 7 min · 1377 words · Carlos Dawson

Clomid For Fertility Treatment And Doping Athletes

Every so often, a story breaks about an athlete testing positive for Clomid (clomiphene) use on a drug test. Football player Robert Mathis of the Indianapolis Colts was accused of doping with clomiphene in 2014 and was temporarily suspended from playing in the National Football League (NFL). Mathis reported that he was taking Clomid as a treatment for male infertility. Sprinter Jason Livermore and netball player Simone Forbes are other athletes who have tested positive for Clomid use during sport drug testing....

December 14, 2022 · 7 min · 1426 words · Beverly Hanisch

Coping With Crisis Fatigue

While acute stress can be intense and all-consuming, it’s also limited in duration. In such cases, we can look at the situation and see an end in sight. Because we know the crisis won’t last forever, we can see a way to endure it until it finally passes. Crisis fatigue is a type of burnout that happens when people experience a prolonged crisis event. On the other hand, longer-lasting sources of stress can often feel inescapable and unchangeable....

December 14, 2022 · 7 min · 1417 words · Harry Hospelhorn

Development Of Ptsd In Firefighters

Rates of PTSD in firefighters may be heightened more so than in other professions. Many people will experience a potentially traumatic event at some point in their life. But just because you have experienced a traumatic event does not mean that you will definitely go on to develop PTSD. However, people who have experienced multiple traumatic events have been found to be at greater ​risk of developing PTSD. One group of people that may experience many traumatic events as part of their job—and thus be at a heightened risk for PTSD—is firefighters....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 613 words · Corey Keath

Does Female Orgasm Boost Your Odds Of Getting Pregnant

Whether or not female orgasm can help you get pregnant is unclear. Obviously, you can get pregnant without a female orgasm. It happens all the time. But can having an orgasm boost your chances of conception? Researchers have wondered about the purpose of the female orgasm in humans for quite some time. Some theorize it’s just for fun, while others say it definitely helps with conception. If female orgasms can help you conceive, how might it work?...

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 1011 words · Anne Bennett

How Parkinson S Disease Is Diagnosed

Diagnosing Parkinson’s disease can be complicated because there isn’t a specific blood test or screening test that can determine whether or not you have it. Instead, Parkinson’s is diagnosed clinically, which means a doctor will examine you, review your symptoms and medical history, and diagnose accordingly. It can be challenging to catch Parkinson’s in the early stages because the symptoms may be too mild to notice or meet the diagnostic criteria....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1255 words · Michael Riggan

How To Cope With Sibling Grief

The pain you feel after a sibling dies can be immense. Feeling grief or a huge sense of loss are natural responses to losing someone important in your life. Losing a brother or sister is especially challenging. This article will discuss why the loss of a sibling is different than other types of loss, how sibling loss isn’t discussed much, reactions and effects of sibling loss, how long to mourn and ways to help you cope with sibling grief....

December 14, 2022 · 7 min · 1354 words · Matthew Clifton

How To Find A Psychiatrist

Making the decision or realizing that you need a psychiatrist can seem scary at first. The process of finding one can seem even more daunting. However, with the right resources, the process can be seamless and stress-free. Where to find one, how much they cost, how often you’ll need to go in are all questions you’ll probably be asking yourself. This article provides you with information on finding a psychiatrist to cater to your needs....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1166 words · Jenny Williams

How To Mentally Prepare For A Full Time Job

Whether you are switching from part-time employment, starting your first job, or returning to the workforce after a break, it can be challenging to mentally prepare for a full-time job. The 9 to 5 work life can be a significant shift, but there are things you can do to help ready yourself for the transition. This article discusses how to mentally prepare for a full-time job. It covers aspects such as sleep, your mindset, and work/life balance....

December 14, 2022 · 7 min · 1399 words · Eileen Armstrong

How To Practice Basic Meditation For Stress Management

Meditation has many health benefits and is a highly effective way to relieve stress and maintain a healthier lifestyle. With practice, meditation becomes both more of an easy habit to maintain and more of an effective one as well, given that it builds resilience to stress over time. Putting in the effort to learn and practice meditation can actually transform your experience of stress in your life. There are many different ways to meditate, and this technique is one of the most basic....

December 14, 2022 · 4 min · 827 words · William Harris

How Veterans Can Cope With Mental Health Triggers

Update: As of January 17, 2023 all US veterans are eligible to receive emergency mental health care at no cost. This applies even if the individual isn’t enrolled in the VA system. The policy also includes the cost of ambulance rides, up to 30 days of inpatient care, and up to 90 days of outpatient care. Key Takeaways On August 15, the Taliban entered Afghanistan’s capital city of Kabul and effectively regained control of the country....

December 14, 2022 · 5 min · 1013 words · Caren Long

Julia Name Meaning Origin Popularity

If you are looking for a simple and beautiful baby name with ancient origins, consider the name Julia. Julia is the feminine form of the Roman family name, Julius, which derives from the name of the mythological Roman god, Jupiter. Jupiter presided over the heavens and light, and was responsible for the protection and laws of the Roman state. Julia can also mean “youthful,” a derivative of the Latin word “iuvenale....

December 14, 2022 · 3 min · 623 words · Kenneth Hudson

Ketamine For Treatment Resistant Depression

Almost one in three people with major depressive disorder, also referred to as clinical depression, don’t find relief from standard treatment methods. This is referred to as having treatment-resistant depression, a condition for which you may be prescribed ketamine. Research indicates that ketamine can help with treatment-resistant depression, at least in the short term. However, this drug doesn’t come without its challenges, including its adverse side effects and the potential for addiction....

December 14, 2022 · 6 min · 1191 words · Merle Obrien