What Is Bdsm Definition Benefits And How To Get Started

What Is BDSM? BDSM is an acronym for consensual sexual practices that involve: Bondage: physically restraining a partner during sex, such as with handcuffs, cords, or some type of tiesDominance: exerting power or control over a partner during a sexual experienceSubmission: being dominated during sex, or willingly submitting to the power or control of a sexual partnerSadomasochism: deriving sexual gratification from either inflicting or receiving physical pain or humiliation BDSM usually involves partners taking on specific roles in which one is dominant and the other is submissive....

December 11, 2022 · 8 min · 1644 words · Charles Fischer

What Is Gentle Discipline Techniques And Benefits

Gentle discipline is one of the five main types of discipline that is based on mutual respect between parents and kids. The basis for gentle discipline is that it focuses on using discipline and not punishment. Similar to positive discipline, parents who use gentle discipline do not spank or use any forms of corporal punishment. They don’t shame or embarrass kids but instead, provide respectful negative consequences that deter future behavior....

December 11, 2022 · 4 min · 758 words · Joseph Okie

What Is Permissive Parenting

Permissive parents tend to be very loving, yet provide few guidelines and rules. These parents do not expect mature behavior from their children and often seem more like a friend than parental figure. Permissive parenting is a type of parenting style characterized by low demands with high responsiveness. These parents tend to be the polar opposite of the so-called “helicopter parents.” Instead of hovering over their children’s every move, permissive parents are incredibly lax and rarely make or enforce any type of rules or structure....

December 11, 2022 · 6 min · 1187 words · Jason Jones

Why Happy People Get Depressed With Singer Andy Grammer

Meet Andy Grammer Andy Grammer is a singer, songwriter, and record producer. He’s best known for his song, “Honey, I’m Good,” which peaked at number 9 on the Billboard Hot 100. Every Monday on The Verywell Mind Podcast, Editor-in-Chief Amy Morin, LCSW, interviews authors, experts, entrepreneurs, athletes, musicians, and other inspirational people about the strategies that help them think, feel, and do their best in life. His music is uplifting, but he felt depressed during the pandemic....

December 11, 2022 · 4 min · 757 words · Kathryn Davenport

Why Marijuana Use In Teens Is Harmful

The stigma of marijuana use has declined since the early 2000s, with some states legalizing it for medical and even recreational uses. While it may not be as problematic for adult use as once believed, there are still plenty of good reasons to discourage pot smoking in teenagers. First of all, it’s illegal. And research by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) indicates that childhood marijuana use can affect learning ability, attention, memory, coordination, balance, judgment, and decision-making....

December 11, 2022 · 6 min · 1139 words · Brian Williams

Back To Sleep Campaign Changes To Safe To Sleep

The incidence of SIDS has fallen greatly since the introduction of the Back to Sleep campaign by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), the Maternal and Child Health Bureau of the Health Resources and Services Administration, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), First Candle/SIDS Alliance, and the Association of SIDS and Infant Mortality Programs. History of the Back to Sleep Campaign The biggest gains in reducing the rates of SIDS came with the recommendation that all babies be put to sleep on their back – the ‘Back to Sleep’ campaign that began in 1994....

December 10, 2022 · 3 min · 596 words · Rosa Martin

3 Key Ethical Considerations In Psychological Research

Earlier in psychology history, many experiments were performed with highly questionable and even outrageous violations of ethical considerations. Milgram’s infamous obedience experiment, for example, involved deceiving human subjects into believing that they were delivering painful, possibly even life-threatening, electrical shocks to another person. These controversial psychology experiments played a major role in the development of the ethical guidelines and regulations that psychologists must abide by today. When performing studies or experiments that involve human participants, psychologists must submit their proposal to an institutional review board (IRB) for approval....

December 10, 2022 · 3 min · 506 words · Donna Lamm

50 Literature Baby Names Meanings Origins

There are tons of books out there about how to choose the right baby name, but you can also find inspiration from literature itself. So, booklovers, ponder your favorite novel, story, children’s book character, literary canon, book club selection, or beach read for names that resonate for your baby. These options range from the highly traditional, like Elizabeth, William, and Henry, to more unique choices, like Fern, Hermione, and Sherlock....

December 10, 2022 · 13 min · 2596 words · Peter Berube

8 Activities Your Child Can Do With A Concussion Recovery Pastimes

A concussion is one type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by a sudden blow to the head. As the brain is forced back and forth inside the skull, it can suffer chemical changes or brain cell damage. Among children and teens, concussions often occur during sports or activities like skateboarding or biking. Concussion symptoms vary from child to child. Some experience sensitivity to bright lights and loud noises. Others have severe headaches, nausea, and mental fog....

December 10, 2022 · 5 min · 875 words · Wayne Kalberer

Acute Stress Disorder Definition Symptoms Treatment

Acute stress disorder is a psychological condition that is caused by experiencing a traumatic event. This traumatic event might have happened to you directly, for instance being involved in a car accident, or you might have witnessed it happen to a close friend or family member. This condition typically lasts for about a month; however, if its symptoms linger for longer than a month, it’s classified as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)....

December 10, 2022 · 6 min · 1109 words · George Rojas

Breast Milk Composition Taste Stages Color

Breast milk is a liquid source of food made by the human body to nourish babies. Breast milk not only provides a child with complete nutrition, but it is also a source of protection against illness, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The body creates breast milk in response to pregnancy and the suckling of a baby at the breast. However, some people who have not been pregnant can also breastfeed with the help of hormones, medications, and stimulation such as pumping....

December 10, 2022 · 7 min · 1491 words · Connie Campbell

Can Breastfeeding Women Get Botox

Everyone’s pregnancy journey is unique—whether you’re having your first kid or your fifth. But one thing is certain: There’s a long list of foods, activities, and products you should avoid. And some of them still apply even after your baby is born. We know, after many months of being pregnant, you may be anxious to get back to some of your personal luxuries that aren’t safe for you or your infant while pregnant....

December 10, 2022 · 8 min · 1660 words · Linda Bright

Exploring Movement With Toddlers And Dance

Toddlers feel music in ways it seems some of us adults have forgotten. They use their bodies to express emotion and explore the ways their bodies can move. Here are some ideas to help you explore dance with your toddler. Give Your Toddler Access to Music and See What Happens You may have noticed that it doesn’t take much at all to get your toddler dancing. Just put on a catchy tune with a decent rhythm and they’ll start moving....

December 10, 2022 · 4 min · 777 words · Gracie Denney

Gender Preference Of Doctor During Pregnancy

When it comes to your practitioner the gender debate is a heated one among women. Should you choose a male or female doctor? Does one hold an advantage over the other? Many women say yes, there are huge differences, while others say no; it is all dependent on the personality, not the gender, of the doctor. “I wanted someone who could understand what I was going through when I was pregnant....

December 10, 2022 · 3 min · 576 words · Roy Mcclain

How I Dealt With Early Pregnancy Changes

I’ve always found it ironic that the month when many pregnant people need the most empathy and understanding, is also the month when they are most likely trying to hide their pregnancy from the world. That’s what I was faced with in my second month. The beginning of my first trimester was right in the middle of the holiday season. It was hard to balance my symptoms and with a smile on during what is normally one of my favorite times of the year....

December 10, 2022 · 7 min · 1281 words · Joan Becker

Issues In Developmental Psychology

There are a number of important issues that have been debated throughout the history of developmental psychology. The major questions include the following: Is development due more to genetics or environment? Does development occur slowly and smoothly, or do changes happen in stages? Do early childhood experiences have the greatest impact on development or are later events equally important? Here are some of the basic questions within the realm of developmental psychology and what many psychologists today believe about these issues....

December 10, 2022 · 4 min · 689 words · Norbert Garcia

Ivf Twins Born From 30 Year Old Frozen Embryos

An Oregon couple recently gave birth to twins using embryos originally created three decades ago. The birth of Lydia Ann and Timothy Ronald Ridgeway was made possible with the help of an organization in Tennessee specializing in embryo donation. According to the University of Tennessee Preston Medical Library, the twins now hold the record as the longest-ever frozen embryos to result in a live birth. Key Takeaways A couple recently gave birth to twins using 30-year-old frozen embryos....

December 10, 2022 · 8 min · 1641 words · Jaleesa Ahrens

Kwl Strategy Improves Reading Skills

The KWL reading strategy is an instructional technique used to improve reading comprehension. It also improves a student’s ability to remember the material. KWL is most often used with expository reading materials such as classroom textbooks, research articles, and journalistic pieces. If you’re the parent, caregiver or teacher of a child with a learning disability in reading, consider whether the KWL strategy would meet the child’s needs. What Does KWL Stand For?...

December 10, 2022 · 3 min · 499 words · Tawny Owens

New Study Uncovers Risk Factors For Postpartum Depression

Mothers over age 40 who have given birth to twins have the highest risk of postpartum depression, according to a new study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders. The risk of postpartum depression is also higher for first-time mothers and birthing parents under the age of 25. The study findings came from answers to survey questions about postpartum feelings and emotions. Over 1 million moms worldwide participated, making this study one of the largest of its kind....

December 10, 2022 · 4 min · 827 words · Stacy Giusti

Paraphobia Definition Symptoms Traits Causes Treatment

What Is Paraphobia? Paraphobia involves a fear of sexual perversion. It is a complicated phobia that can be influenced by a number of factors including upbringing and cultural influences. Some people fear that they have some type of perversion while others worry about the perceived perversions of others. This is further complicated by the fact that what is considered a perversion can vary from one person or culture to the next....

December 10, 2022 · 6 min · 1115 words · Ryan Marrs